Play Sufficiency

The right to play is set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). This an internationally binding human rights agreement with 54 articles, 42 of which set out the rights of children and young people. Article 31 of the convention states: ‘Every child has the right to rest and leisure, […]
Delamere School: A Landscaping Transformation

Our Landscaping team spent last summer recreating the Delamere School playground. These new features will help the children with physical development, spatial awareness, imaginative play and so much more!
Better Place Project

A unique project is about involving local people to develop safer and healthier places for expectant parents and families
St Gregory’s RC Primary School EYFS Playground

The playground was designed to meet all the curriculum needs of the Early Years department for outdoor play and learning provision
Glade Garden at The Royal Marsden

The design and seating allows for semi-private spaces while the linear nature of the area also allows for group play and social gatherings
Colnbrook School

Colnbrook School is a special school, and needed a sensory play area for their pupils with a variety of needs