Background & Objectives:
The aim of the project is to provide an attractive outdoor space that not only provides a welcome for centre users on arrival but will also encouraged centre users, many of whom suffer dementia, to return to the garden, in safety, to enjoy the colours, smells and textures as they change through the seasons. To take part, with help from staff, in the growing of plants and maintenance of the garden. Providing an outdoor space for meaningful activates as well as a relaxing space for social gathering or quiet contemplation.
Design Solution:
It has turned a car park into a garden. Providing an inviting space for clients, staff and friends and family to use together.
As part of this we have been able to design out obstacles to access by removing steps and ramps.
This has enable the design of continuous route that clients can meander along with seats along the way. To this end strong changes in contrast along the way have been avoided.
Most of the planting is 500mm above ground level in raised planters making it easier for visitors to enjoy the smell, texture and colour of the plants as well as being involved in growing and maintaining the garden.
A shed / greenhouse combo has been included in the scheme so clients, with help, can grow from seed or/and grow on plants.
The new garden is fenced off from the rest of the car park creating a private, safe and secure space so clients and staff can enjoy it.
We had a CSR day with Gradus which included 2 members from our youth team (not staff) which gave us 6 volunteers. They planted up one of the raised planters built a covered seat and cleaned and painted some existing garden furniture.
I like to bring clients out here and give them the wow factor
Linda Bunting – Client Service Coordinator
The garden is beautiful and very relaxing.
Anne Gosling Day Care Client