The streets and other public and private spaces we move through and visit can make a huge difference to how we experience a place. They can directly influence how safe we feel and how easy we find it to navigate and spend time in a public space.

We design accessible, attractive and integrated public spaces, including; pedestrian and cycle routes, courtyards, public squares and even roof parks. Wherever possible we will introduce Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), permeable surfaces and planting to alleviate surface water pooling, reduce urban heat island effect and help tackle pollution.

We have worked with Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), Town Centre Consortiums and Transport Authorities including Network Rail and Transport for London. Conducting in depth public consultations we design quality public realm improvements that enhance the usability and accessibility of a space and meet the client’s ongoing maintenance requirements.

Yorkshire and The Humber

Better Place Project

A unique project is about involving local people to develop safer and healthier places for expectant parents and families

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Mobile Garden City

The planting was completed by residents and school children with ongoing gardening sessions delivered by Groundwork’s community gardeners.

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