ROLE: Lead Partner
CLIENT: Environment Agency
Background & Objectives:
The Groundwork NE & Cumbria Landscape Team has been playing a key role in the leading the improvement of the Tyne Estuary. As lead partner in the Tyne Estuary Partnership group the landscape team has, along with other specialists, been designing and developing plans for exciting new projects, to enhance estuary edges and improve biodiversity and water quality in the Tyne.
These projects include multiple benefits for people and nature, improving water quality & ecology, which contributes to ultimate goal of tackling Climate Change and Global Warming.
Groundwork NE & Cumbria are pleased to be working in partnership with the Environment Agency to build the Tyne Estuary Partnership and develop priority projects for improvement. The River Tyne is one of the most iconic and well known rivers in the UK and provides a focal point for economic activity supporting thriving businesses.
Over the years there has been investment to improve the quality of the Tyne with developments to the river’s biodiversity, growth in the economic development and visitor attractions. However there are still pressures impacting the river; from historic mining, to population growth, contaminated sites and sewage.
Design Solution
Due to the significant support for improvements to the River Tyne from over 60 organisations covering 7 sectors the Tyne Estuary Partnership has been formally established. The Partnership champions further improvements to the river benefiting surrounding businesses and communities, over the next 10 years.
For more information on the Tyne Estuary Partnership Project please visit: